Today, no one can be immune to foot fungus. Its development takes place under certain favorable conditions (humidity and heat). The fungus is often found not only on the nails, but also between the fingers. Infecting them is simple, so you may not even come into direct contact with someone who has the disease. After all, the spores of such a fungus live a long time on all sorts of objects, clothes, shoes.

Particular sensitivity to fungus between the fingers
It happens that someone is completely immune to the fungus, even with frequent contact with infected objects. For some, on the contrary, this disease develops instantly. Factors predisposing to fungi:
- the state of immunity - when it is weakened, the risk of developing the disease increases;
- age - in children the skin is more susceptible to various types of fungal diseases;
- chronic or infectious diseases - they weaken the body, as a result of which it is easier for the fungus to penetrate the thickness of the skin or nails;
- increased sweating and the peculiarities of the composition of sweat create a favorable environment for the introduction and development of the fungus.
Possibility of infection
There are two main types of infection with this disease. Right way:
- when walking barefoot on the floor, soil, grass;
- in contact with a person with mycosis;
- when "communicating" with an infected animal.
Indirect way:
- when using items that have fungus (towels, shoes, underwear);
- when using animal care items that may also contain fungi that are dangerous to humans.
- Causes of fungus between the fingers
Causes of fungus between the fingers
The causes of the appearance and fungus on the feet between the toes are very diverse:
- warm and humid environment between the toes;
- disorders of the integrity of the skin, even small: cracks, wounds, pustules, wounds;
- poor quality, uncomfortable, tight shoes;
- physical fatigue, exhaustion;
- infection is possible in the common areas (baths, saunas, beauty salons, swimming pools);
- pregnancy, dysbiosis, varicose veins.
Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of the disease that need to be treated in the future look like this:
- peeling between the fingers;
- cracks that appear for unknown reasons;
- pain accompanied by severe itching;
- heavy sweating of the feet;
- sole seals;
- the formation of large spots with a grayish or yellowish tinge.
Initially, the symptoms of the disease are not clear: almost no itching, no discomfort. That's why many simply don't pay attention to trouble warning signs.
If you ignore the first symptoms and do not start treatment of the disease, the process will progress: mycosis will capture not only the interdigital spaces, but also other areas of the skin of the foot, will move to the nails, which will change color. , thicken, deform and exfoliate.
Therapeutic procedures using drugs
The treatment of fungus is a long process that requires a lot of patience and responsibility from the patient. The treatment will take at least a month, but in some cases the treatment process can take up to a year.
You need to find out from a specialist about the proper treatment of fungus between the toes. To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, otherwise the disease is likely to spread to other parts of the body.
Only a doctor can prescribe the right, effective treatment, which will be aimed not only at eliminating the unpleasant symptoms, but also at rescuing the patient from the very cause - the cause of the fungal disease. Different drugs are used for this purpose:
- compresses made of a special solution - in this product it is necessary to moisten cotton swabs, spread them between the toes, after 20 minutes the compress should be removed;
- antifungal ointments - not only relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but also destroy its cause, the fungus;
- tablets - drugs that must be taken orally, acting on the fungus systematically;
- in some cases, immunostimulants are needed to strengthen the immune system, making treatment more effective.
Effective treatment of fungus with folk remedies
There are folk methods of treating fungus that have passed the test of time:
- Decoction of wormwood. To cook, you will need half a kilo of wormwood grass, it should be boiled for a quarter of an hour in clean water (3 liters). The drug is then infused for 30 minutes, filtered and placed in a basin. In such a bath you should keep your feet just before bedtime.
- Salt baths. An effective treatment for fungus between the toes is the preparation of foot baths with sea salt. You will need to heat the water, pour a little salt. As soon as the product has time to dissolve in the bath, you need to put your feet there, to evaporate well. It is not necessary to wash your feet after the procedure. It is recommended to wear socks made of natural fabric and go to bed. Such baths help to make the skin of the feet soft and healthy. In the initial stages of the fungus, such baths perfectly help to solve this problem.
Consolidate the result
After the end of the treatment cracks and itching disappear. Some symptoms cease to bother the patient, but this does not mean that the treatment is over. At the pharmacy you need to order a special 25% solution of aluminum chloride. It will finally remove the fungus between the toes.

It is very important to remember that the treatment of the fungus will be successful if you constantly keep the skin of the feet clean - perform a home pedicure with individual tools, remove the skin that exfoliates. Contains pathogenic fungal spores. If they are not removed, it is likely another infection, a relapse. Therefore, during foot baths it is recommended to use a special brush to remove dead skin.
At the end of treatment it is important to disinfect clothes and shoes. Otherwise, there is a possibility of recurrence of the disease. For disinfection it is possible to use the following agent: formalin 25% + vinegar 30%.
With this tool you have to process all the things and put them in a package. And after 2-3 hours things will have to be allowed to air. The fungus will be completely destroyed and the person will be protected from re-infection.
Disease prevention
To prevent the return of fungus that affects the area between the toes, you must follow simple precautions:
- wear only high-quality, comfortable shoes made only of natural "breathable" materials;
- after you come home from work or a walk, the shoes should be treated with a spray with a disinfectant effect;
- you can't try someone else's shoes;
- after visiting public places, you should wash your feet well, wipe them, and at home you can treat with a special drug from the pharmacy for prevention;
- the need to maintain immunity at an appropriate level. For this purpose, it is recommended to include more fruits, vegetables, herbal teas, juices in the diet.
Do not neglect the prevention of fungus on the feet. This will help prevent this disease. Otherwise, once you become infected with the fungus, treatment will take a long time. After treatment, you must be careful not to recur. Remember: like any other disease, foot fungus is much easier to prevent than to treat later.